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London National Gallery Top 20 05 Leonardo da Vinci - The Virgin Of The Rocks London National Gallery Top 20 06 Giovanni Bellini - The Doge Leonardo Loredan London National Gallery Top 20 07 Michelangelo - The Entombment London National Gallery Top 20 08 Quinten Massys - A Grotesque Old Woman London National Gallery Top 20 09 Titian - Bacchus and Ariadne
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London National Gallery Top 20 07 Michelangelo - The Entombment  [8 of 21]

Michelangelo - The Entombment 1500-1, 162 x 150 cm. Michelangelo abandoned this painting when he left for Florence in the spring of 1501. The theme of Christ’s body being lifted up, prior to being carried to the tomb, is combined with the motif of the dead Christ presented to the viewer for pious meditation. Even at this late stage, however, Michelangelo still omits the wounds in Christ’s hands, feet and side. Christ is supported on the left by the long haired St. John the Evangelist in his canonical red gown. The others are probably Nicodemus, and Joseph of Arimathaea who gave up his tomb for Jesus. The figure kneeling below St. John is probably Mary Magdalene, who is shown meditating on the crown of thorns and the nails of the Crucifixion. The woman at the back right is a Holy Woman (Mary Salome). The missing figure on the lower right was to be the Virgin Mary mourning her son.
London National Gallery Top 20 07 Michelangelo - The Entombment Michelangelo - The Entombment 1500-1, 162 x 150 cm. Michelangelo abandoned this painting when he left for Florence in the spring of 1501. The theme of Christ’s body being lifted up, prior to being carried to the tomb, is combined with the motif of the dead Christ presented to the viewer for pious meditation. Even at this late stage, however, Michelangelo still omits the wounds in Christ’s hands, feet and side. Christ is supported on the left by the long haired St. John the Evangelist in his canonical red gown. The others are probably Nicodemus, and Joseph of Arimathaea who gave up his tomb for Jesus. The figure kneeling below St. John is probably Mary Magdalene, who is shown meditating on the crown of thorns and the nails of the Crucifixion. The woman at the back right is a Holy Woman (Mary Salome). The missing figure on the lower right was to be the Virgin Mary mourning her son.